Empowered RX
One App,
Many Uses
Empowered RX
Delivered Right to your Phone!
Commit to getting stronger in mind & body without the side of diet-culture that the fitness industry often throws at us.
What you get:
Training App
1:1 Assigned Coach for in App feedback/support
3-4 optional workouts a week all focused on strength
A Community Chat with like-minded Badasses
" Empowered RX is the best fitness app out there for a reason- real feedback, real coaches and an inclusive focus on real bodies. Anyone can feel comfortable and successful on their fitness journey- beginners and high level athletes alike. The strength programming is unmatched and the coaches truly care about helping you reach your goals. My mind and body have never been stronger thanks to this. I started looking to improve my fitness but have also healed my relationship to food and my body image has improved because of their anti-diet culture and empowering content. "
- A happy, healthy and badass warrior

" I was so sick of so many coaches preaching weight-loss and dieting. It lead me to disordered eating and a sense of self-hatred I thought I would never return from. I was hesitant to join Empowered RX because I was afraid it would be the same as the others.
It ISN'T! It's amazing and has been life changing. If you have struggled with self-esteem, body image or disordered eating... these Coaches have your back. They are informed and relateable. They've been through the ringer and are showing up for all of us women every single day.
If you are thinking twice. Don't. Just do it!"
- Stacy
All Badassery, NO Diet-Culture
Join our community of strong women!
Simple Plans
Simple+ easy to follow with form videos and clear instruction.
Personalized Content
1:1 Coaching to give individualized form feedback and health guidance.
Community Support
Community chat/support 24/7 for ideas, celebrations, camaraderie and more!